Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Day 5 - 3/31/15

Last night and today I've been working on a 20 stitch crochet piece, using double crochet.  I was using counting and had the correct number, but the piece was all goofused up.  I asked my crocheting friend Rosa at work and she said that I needed to start the first stitch directly above the one below it.  She said she never counts (!) and if she doesn't like it she just pulls it out.  She's an insanely talented crocheter and it was refreshing to hear the "don't worry, have fun" motto.

Anyway here's what I came up with:

I'm still very proud of my accomplishments.  Crocheting seems to be a bit more loose and free-wheeling than knitting.  I have a pretty severe OCD/anal retentive thing going so it's good to challenge my "by the books" mentality.

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