Sunday, March 29, 2015

Day 3 - 3/29/15

An intellectually creative morning.  I did the introduction to the Craftsy Amigurumi class I mentioned yesterday.  I'm all super-duper-nutty-excited because this class gives you the tools to design your own stuff, rather than having to get patterns.

Mind you, I may need patterns for my Baymax, Yoshi, Mario, Darth Vader, etc., but I want to make my own stuff.  Have someone send me a crazy drawing and make a crochet piece out of it.

Oh, hey - Here are some before pictures of a knitted kitty I found buried in my project bag (that's another blog post right there.  Don't get me started) in a large plastic bag.  Surprisingly I've done almost all the hard work and all that was left was to put everything together.  By the way, This kitty cat doesn't look much like a kitty and in the final version I mixed up the arms and the legs.

Dat's a lotta yarn ya got dere boss!
I have become death, destroyer of worlds.

So after sewing everything together I realized with a grin that I put the arms and legs on backwards.  Kitty looks sorta gangly but he has character.  Plus the psychedelic Knit Picks Chroma I used (I have so many yards of Chroma it is crazy - my wife thinks I'm nuts) gave it a whacky touch.  Knitpicks Chroma Page.

Here's the finished product.

That's one beefcake kitty.  He likes posing on guitars.  He's such an egomaniac!

I haven't figured out what I'm going to do with him yet.  I just give away my knitting pieces.  I suppose I could sell them but I get such joy out of giving them away.

That's a Les Paul goddess.  A very rare guitar!

A face that any mother could love.

Spindly legs you got there...

So, is writing this blog an act of making?  I mean, I know it is, but I don't want to count it!  NO!

My kitty is blogging with me.

Craftsy has a project page!

Craftsy Project Page

I have a Ravelry page!

Alec's Ravelry Page

And in the end, mind you I got my room cleaned, I organized all my yarn, etc.  Got a lot done.  But creatively - oy - working that foundation chain!!!!!!  Rant to come:

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