Monday, August 24, 2015

100 Bunnies

Hello. I've been away for a while.

The original intent of this blog was for me to document my "create something every day" program.

After a couple months it was obvious to me that I didn't need to blog to create every day. I was creating so much that I didn't have time to write in the blog!

Anyway, I've been crocheting a bunch of stuff.

I finished this really great crochet bunny that I made up myself. I gave it to Jackie Burley here at work because she'd given me a lot of help around understanding Agile.

Anyway she said that I should crochet a bunch of bunnies with all kinds of different yarns and variations and give them to CHOC.

This was the idea I'd been waiting for. I jumped on this and created a "mission statement."

And so it begins.

I have one complete bunny and two in process.

I'm going to do a bunny with every different kind of Chroma yarn I have (and I have a TON!).

Aren't they cute??? Just wait until you see more and more and more and more.